Best Foods to Eat to Lose Weight

Trying to loose weight is a commendable goal and can give you a lot of benefits when achieved, you get a slimmer, more attractive body, you have a healthier outlook on life, you reduce the chances of heart disease and other forms of sickness. But weight is not lost on a whim, sometimes, it requires time, commitment and most importantly a change in diet. The article tells you the different kinds of foods that you can eat when trying to loose weight, these healthy alternatives come in a long list of fruits, vegetables and even meat. There is no-one-size fits all policy when it comes to a healthy diet, and you can choose the one that appeals to you the most.


Delicious, healthy and weight-loss inducing, the right kinds of fruits can cut down inches from your belly, you need only pick the right kind of fruits to have. With 18 amino acids, Goji berries are a source of high protein and make an excellent snack to have until dinnertime, they are a low-calorie snacks which are about 35 per tablespoon. Making them the ideal snack to have in-between meals. Most forms of berries are good for  you, but none more so effective that blue berries, they have a high antioxidant level compared to other berries making them the ideal cleansing agent for your body. They also contain a high amount of fiber, 3.6 grams per cup. Grapefruit is another helpful fruit, it may not contain any fat burning properties but it can help contribute to a 'feel full' stomach encouraging you to moderate your portions during meals. A study conducted by the Scripps Clinic demonstrated that overweight people who ate half of a grapefruit before each meal dropped 3 1/2 pounds over 12 weeks.


Beans are highly recommended because they have several benefits, it's a high source of protein, but it is also high on fiber which means it will take a long time to digest meaning that you will full for a longer time after your meal. Beans are also relatively affordable and can be bought in bulk. Pureed vegetables have several benefits because they are low in calories and can be used alongside other dishes like hamburgers, research from Penn State showed that people ate these dishes and were able to enjoy at 200 to 350 calories less then without the vegetables. Lentils provide several benefits because it is an  excellent vegetable if you want to loose weight. This is because lentils prevent spikes in insulin, the hormone for sustaining excess weight.

Grain & Others

A diet for loosing weight is not just about fruits and vegetables, feel free to throw in other foods to add variety to the mix. One such example would be Quinoa is a gluten-free rice that can be eaten for breakfast with a sprinkle of almond, cinnamon and banana. Quinoa is high in protein due to high amino acid count, and an abundance of vitamin B. Chia seeds is a form of highly recommended grain, it acts like sponge absorbing sugar and excess moisture, and keeping the glucose levels in the blood stable. Chia seeds are highly nutritious, as they contain iron, calcium and omega 3-fatty acids which are good for the body.

How to Lose Weight in a Week - Ways to Lose Weight in One Week

There has probably been a time in your life when you looked in the mirror and thought losing a few pounds would be a great idea. Not just a great idea, but also an urgent need because you have that party coming up in a week and you want to look your best, perhaps you have a date and you want to impress (to be honest, who wouldn't?) While it is still possible to lose weight in a week, you have to be willing to make structural changes to how you eat and live. In order to shed those pounds in a short period of time you will have to make significant changes to your lifestyle.


One of the many changes that will take place during the course of the week is how you eat, how much you eat and how often you do it. Meals are important, it is never a good idea to skip out on a meal and avoid any diet that tells you to do this. Skipping meals only denies the body much needed nutrients causing all kinds of side-effects that will make you want to eat even more. Instead adopt a diet plan that will not tell you to skip meals but instead changes what you eat and how much you eat. These changes can be small, such as making a sacrifice, for instance, giving up that chocolate bar after lunch will help you lose several pounds in a week. Try replacing some of the unhealthy foods you consume such as soft drinks, and replace it with healthier substitutes. Choosing water over soft drinks will benefit you in several ways. For one, you will give up the hundreds of calories that come with fizzy drinks, and by drinking water you will be giving up excess water (which otherwise makes your body bloated) as well as kick start your metabolism.

Diets encourage substitution and sacrifice but also change, one useful diet to follow is the Whole diet, where you would give up processed foods as well as sugars, dairy and alcohol, as these are the kind of foods that take a while to breakdown and often stored in the body in the form of fat. During this diet, concentrate exclusively on vegetables, meat, a little fruit and be sure to drink plenty of water. There other diets that are simple and easy on the budget, such as the Mediterranean diet, which focuses on foods cooked in the style of those who live around the Mediterranean. This diet encourages you to forgo bread and other processed foods and replace them with fish, vegetables, fruit and red wine.


Diets alone will not do the job, they must be accompanied by a change in lifestyle that goes beyond meals. One such change involves exercise, while not an absolute necessity can be extremely helpful in speeding the weight loss process up. You do not have to spend hours at the gym, especially if you have a busy work schedule, but try to incorporate some form of physical activity into your daily routine. For example, you can do 36 push-ups and lunges a day in order to help tone your body and enhance the weight loss process. Other techniques beyond meals and exercise, involve getting more sleep, an extra half an hour into your routine will help you wake up fresh, energized and developed muscle tone. Consider keeping a food diary, by keeping track of what you have eaten throughout the day, this includes types of food and the quantity.